Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thing 12 and 13: Discovering and Using Youtube

Discovery Exercise #1

I personally have been using Youtube more and more in the last few years.  I am a visual learner and Youtube provides visuals to just about everything.  Whenever I have a question, weather it is about cooking, exercising, or anything that involves instructions, there is always someone that has created a video which provides the answers.  You may also share the videos you find with others through a wide variety of networks. 
When I first began using Youtube I was using it only for music purposes. Ever so often I would search for general things for answers in the Google search engine and it would, with other different websites, also provide a video that was found courtesy of Youtube mostly.  The videos are mostly generated by particular names or hash tags that were attached y the creator of the video. 
The upside to Youtube is there is no filter and you will run into a lot of trash (unnecessary videos) as well.  Just like any search engine you will have to use your good judgment and filter out the videos to your best ability.  Because Youtube is free for users you also have different sponsors and a lot of different ads on the site.  Usually you will see different advertisements either of the website or between videos as if it was a commercial.
All in all I really enjoy Youtube.  The better you are at searching and filtering the site the better your experience is with the tool.  You are able to subscribe to channels that captures your attention.  Subscribing to the channels are like adding to your favorites.  Adding the subscriber allows you to bookmark and stay up to date with new videos of interest.  This would be of interest for a classroom because you are able to search for channels that would assist with content and areas of studies.  You are also able to find great videos to use as an introduction to new information with content areas.
The video I am choosing to upload is actually for the subscriber BabyTv.  I am always trying to find different ways of entertaining and interacting with my baby girl and BabyTv is an amazing channel for babies.  This channel is also offered in different languages.


Discovery Exercise #2: Khloe and I Conversing

Discovery Exercise #3

Schooltube seems like it has a lot of potential, however the system is down and will be updated in a few weeks.  I can imagine that it would be wonderful for students to share what they learned with other peers.  Sometimes students are able to get through to other students in ways that teachers can't.  Any teaching/learning video gives students a visual to what is being taught.  When students are actually able to see and witness things and makes the learning more meaningful and in return assist with keeping new material in students long term memory.  The major plus is the advantage of being able to access whenever and however many times one wants to.  In addition the video would most likely surface similar videos that would also assist with understanding material.

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